Photo Gallery

Simorgh IRILV (2010)

In 2010 Iran displayed an empty casing of its new space launch vehicle Simorgh IRILV


The engine bay is covered by a dummy


Old re-painted casing on the exhibition 2016 and 2019 with a very simplified rear end


On a poster (right) exact dimensions of a  Simorgh rocket  were written down:
Overall length of vehicle: 25974 mm
Length first stage: 17816 mm (first stage with forward adapter)
Length second stage: 8158 mm (second stage with fairing)
First stage diameter: 2.40 m
Second stage diameter: 1.50 m
First stage thrust: 142 tons vac (130 tons s.l.); steering engines included
Second stage thrust: 7.2 tonnes (four combustors of LRE-4, 4D10V)

New: Stators protect the fifth engine LRE-15



   Details of a empty casing of a Simorgh vehicle.
   (engines are not installed; the steering engine stators are absent)



The thrust framework of this engines......

not typical for Simorgh

This thrust framework is from Simorgh (shown 2020)

The differences